Wednesday 8 May 2013


This set of questionnaire seeks to survey on an automatic pet feeding product. This survey is administered as part of Product Development and Design project. This survey includes 40 questions and should take you no more than 20 minutes.

1.       Gender
A)       Male
B)     Female
2.      Age
A)      < 25
B)     25 to 35
C)      >35
3.      Your working hour?
A)      Shift
B)     Office hours
C)      Part-time
D)      Student
4.      Your monthly income?
A)     < MYR 5000
B)     MYR 5000 to MYR 10 000
C)      >MYR 10 000
5.      Type of house you live
A)      Single unit
B)     Condominium/apartment/flat
C)      Terrace house
6.      Type of your living area
A)      Rural
B)     Urban
7.      Marital status
A)      Single
B)     Married
C)      Divorced
8.      Number of family members
A)      0-3
B)     4-6
C)      > 6


1.      Do you own any cat?
A)      Yes
B)     No
2.      How many?
A)      1-3
B)    4-6
C)      >6
3.      Your cat breeds?
A)      Asian
B)     Persian
C)      Siamese
D)      Others
4.      How do you set your cat?
A)     In a cage
B)     Freely
5.      Do you able to give full commitment to your cat?
A)      Yes
B)     No
6.      What kind of your cat?
A)      Tame
B)     Average
C)      Wild


1.      Do you hire any maid/nanny/housekeeper to look after your cat?
A)      Yes
B)     No
2.      How do your feed your cat?
A)      Let it find by its own
B)     Provide food on a container
3.      How many times you feed your cat per day?
A)      1
B)     2-3
C)      >3
4.      Do your cat always fed on time?
A)      Yes
B)     No
5.      What kind of food do you used for cat food?
A)      Dry food
B)     Wet food
6.      How do you feel about the smell/odour from the cat food?
A)      Nothing
B)     Unpleasant
C)      Very disturbing
7.      Do your cat leaves the feeding area dirty/messy after feeding time?
A)      Yes
B)     No
8.      How many times do you clean your feeding area in a week?
A)      0-3
B)     4-6
C)      Daily
9.      How much is your cat feeding cost per month?
A)      < MYR 50
B)     MYR 50 to MYR 150
C)      >MYR 150
10.   What is your satisfaction level with your current feeding technique?
A)      Unsatisfied
B)     Natural
C)      Satisfied
11.   What do you think of the overall quality of your current technique?
A)      Bad
B)     Average
C)      Good


1.     How frequent do you leave your cat ?
A)     Never
B)    Occasionally
C)     Often
2.     On what purpose/task of your leave. (normally)
A)     Work
B)    Holiday
C)     Others
3.     Have you ever leave your cat for more than a week period?
A)     Yes
B)    No
4.     How would you leave your cat care/maintenance when you are not around?
A)     Leave outside house
B)    Ask neighbours to look after
C)     Leave a pile of food
5.     Do you prefer to bring along your cat when you are travelling/hanging around?
A)     Yes
B)    No
6.     If yes, do you feel it as a burden?
A)     Yes
B)    No


1.     Do you wish for a product that can feed your cat automatically?
A)     Yes
B)    No
2.     How do you feel about the concept of this product?
A)     Useful
B)    Fair
C)     Useless
D)     Not sure
3.     If this product is proven to automatically feed pet on time, do you think you can rely 100% (put trust) on this product?
A)    Yes
B)    No
4.     How much are you willing to spend on this product?
A)     <MYR200
B)    MYR200 – MYR 300
C)     >MYR300
5.     How do you prefer the size of this product to be?
A)      Small
B)     Moderate
C)     Large
6.     How do you like the weight of overall product to be?
A)     <1.5 kg
B)    1.5 – 3 kg
C)     > 3 kg
7.     How do you feel about a product that is user friendly?
A)     Good
B)    Nothing
C)     Not sure
8.     The design of this product is simple yet reliable, with reasonable price;do you think you will buy this product?
A)     Yes
B)    No
9.     How do you prefer the method of buying this product?
A)     Supermarket
B)    Purchase online

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